about Rahma

Founded in the year 1999

about us

Reviving Islam and providing aid in the Balkans since 1999

Countries we support
Albania Flag
kosovo Flag
Macedonia Flag
Serbia Flag
Bosnia Flag

Rahma (Mercy) was founded in the year 1999 in response to the plight of the refugees whom were fleeing from the war in Kosovo.

We have since grown, from our humble beginning as a group of 12 volunteers setting out for a humanitarian mission via road in an Aid Convoy, to becoming a UK registered Charity that is supporting thousands of people throughout the Balkans.

We are currently providing aid and support to 5 different countries in the Balkans; Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia and Bosnia.

View our projects

Alongside this we also assist the Wesley Hall Community Food Bank in Leicester, a project that has been set up by our local MP and Shadow Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Jon Ashworth. We are dedicated to providing humanitarian services and educational opportunities to the less fortunate whatever their background.

In the coming years we aim to increase our income generation projects so the poor become self-reliant and can break out of the vicious cycle of poverty and dependence.

We aim to strengthen communities by empowering them with a sound education that gives individuals the chance to acknowledge their self-worth, potential and enables them to contribute to the needs of society within their capacity.