self sufficient projects
Rahma academy
In September 2013 we opened the doors of the Rahma Academy. Since its opening, the Academy hosts the Rahma School that is one of the leading and most affordable private schools in Albania.
There are over 400 students enrolled in the school across a wide range of age groups. The students start school at the age of 3 in Kindergarten and remain until the age of 18, when they prepare for life at University.
The Rahma Academy is now a self-sufficient project as it generates income through school fees and rent from a shop and cafe located on the ground floor. Up until last year, Rahma Mercy were taking on donations for student scholarships, however, as the Academy is now thriving, the income that is generated from the building itself can cover the financial aid that students require for scholarships entirely. Alhamdulilah for a successfully run project.
Emdee Educational Centre
The Emdee Educational Centre was established in September 2018 to provide a prayer, educational and communal space to the local community.
Over 200 students utilise this building every week. In addition to this, the boys Hifz class and Imam training class both board and study here. The local community is benefiting from the building in terms of having access to education and social aid.